Biomass Index

Measure the relative green mass index in the crop.
This service supports the relative value of green mass analysis and allows relating it with its possible agronomic causes (E.g green leaf area, nitrogen percentage) It is an additional data that facilitate the comparative analysis between plants performance (e.g germplasm, tolerances, climatic interactions, etc.).
All crops.
Other services
- Lodging Affected Area
- Frost Damage
- Plant Height
- Stand /Plant Population
- Planting Failures
- Average Length Of Lines
- Double Plants
- Plant Distribution Analysis
- Weed Mapping
- Herbicides Application Map
- Nitrogen Gradient
- Crop Stress
- Photosynthesis Index
- Tasseling (Wheat)
- Tasseling (Corn)
- Maturity Group
- Uniformity Of Crop Maturation
- Crop Uniformity
- Drone Spraying
- Arable Sensor