What are the benefitswe want to generate?

We have highly confident that under the umbrella of our services, our customers will be able to:
- Make technical decisions even faster and more accurate
- Identify the crop situation with greater accuracy (not by sampling)
- Increase business productivity and profitability in a sustainable way
- Make instant and targeted agronomic recommendations
- Improve efficiency of products and technologies through ideal technical positioning
- Obtain maximum accuracy and uniformity in research assessments
- Increase genetic gain
- Have more technical assistance for research analysis and decisions
- Have large-scale analytical support in seed fields
- Accelerate the development and commercial launch of seeds, products and technologies
- Have better use of time and quality of life
- Develop new research lines or increase plots use (decrease discontinued areas)
- Obter máxima precisão e uniformidade nas avaliações de pesquisa
- Decrease the likelihood that doubtful materials advance in research
Alvaz potentialusers
there is an opportunity”.
- Our potential customers are usually companies that look for sustainable agronomic gains through accurate in impactful information. We have alternative business models depending on the client's demands and we are responsible for executing 100% of the workflow steps, starting from the flight and image capture, with our own flight team, continuing to processing and analysis up to the final step of making the services available to our own portal.
- We have personalized contracts that fit the needs of each client. That means that we analyze what are the real needs of each client building a customized project that truly meets the agronomic demands.
- Even though we have a wide range of commercial services available in our portfolio, we have the flexibility to develop new personalized services and algorithms in partnership with clients creating exclusive projects; We are proud of these research projects because they communicate directly with our vocation for Research and Innovation. Each project is analyzed with different perspectives and time requirements, they can be phased according to the request of the researchers involved.
- We have clients with differentiated and innovative strategies that develop medium-term projects focusing on what the farmer is looking for. Such development can take 1 to 3 years and not just a harvest year.
- Our services, software and algorithms are adherent and suitable for companies that have direct or indirect interaction with farmers, whether with research, commercialization of products, technologies or services provision of any type: manufacturers, researchers, suppliers, consultants, distributors, cooperatives, financiers, etc. We remain attentive for other business models that could benefit our clients and all those involved.

Business andwork areas
The field demands the launch of new products, technologies and services so it can continue to grow its productivity and profitability rates. In order for the farmer to have access to these new features in a safe and sustainable way, companies create different strategies for technical positioning and communication.
Alvaz works precisely by bridging agricultural companies and the fieldmeeting a range of demands for services, such as:
- Seeds – genetic improvement, production, technical positioning, agronomic services, technical assistance and comparative performance analysis
- Biologicals, pesticides, fertilizers, agricultural correctives – development, launch of products? , technical positioning and performance analysis
- Biotechnology - technical positioning, agronomic services, technical differentiation and highlight of benefits
- Agronomic services - support to assistance, technical recommendations, accuracy of crop information, systems evaluation
- Machines and equipments – performance differentiation
- Financial services - accuracy when analyzing the agronomic situation of crops

“The best advertising is done by satisfied customers”.
Philip Kotler

Businesses areas: customers and services
- Grains & fibers – soy, corn, rice, wheat, cotton
- Perennial crops – sugar cane, citrus, coffee and forestry
- But also based on new demands or clients, we can always advance in other cultures.

Work flow
1 Identification of required indices and detailed project planning
- At this first step of the workflow it's essential a broad, deep and detailed discussion between Alvaz and the client to establish expectations, deadlines, ways of delivering the service and other relevant points.
- We truly recommend investing time and effort into this step with open mind and breadth of vision
2 Crop Management by UAV and image collection
- Requires mandatory informations for planning and scheduling flights
- Carry out detailed technical analysis to define ideal parameters (e.g. sensor, drone, height, resolution, etc.)
- Execute state of the art flights
- Check the images’ quality and redo, if necessary, the flights
3 Image processing and data interpretation with Alvaz’s own softwares and algorithms
- Download of the images and initial quality validation
- Initial data extraction
- Geoprocessing (algorithms and software)
4 Analysis of the processed information and availability on the portal
- Conference, review and validation of services
- Making information available on the portal
- Customer support

Pre-work requisites

We encourage productive discussions and constructive debates to achieve true win-win for all those involved. We align basic premises and prerequisites straightway before taking the first steps so that the planning and execution are aligned and with high quality.
- Alignment of expectations and service knowledge
- Mandatory information definition and enlightenment
- Early availability of information to Alvaz
- Basic information about the areas and crops worked on - includding including name and contact of those responsible
- Relevant notes, contracts and conditions
- According to the characteristics of agriculture itself, there are unforeseen occurrences. In this situation, the best solutions are rapid and efficient communication and common sense.
“The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities”.
- Lodging Affected Area
- Frost Damage
- Plant Height
- Stand /Plant Population
- Planting Failures
- Average Length Of Lines
- Double Plants
- Plant Distribution Analysis
- Weed Mapping
- Herbicides Application Map
- Nitrogen Gradient
- Crop Stress
- Photosynthesis Index
- Biomass Index
- Tasseling (Wheat)
- Tasseling (Corn)
- Maturity Group
- Uniformity Of Crop Maturation
- Crop Uniformity
- Drone Spraying
- Arable Sensor
Customer Experience
We continuously exercise our corporate values by putting our customers in the spotlight so that all staff give all the necessary attention to successfully achieve the goal. We are committed to making the journey rich with bilateral experiences. Also, we promote a solid mindset of going beyond generating sustainable benefit. Far beyond offering services, we empathically seek to listen, understand and solve problems through healthy interactions. Therefore, we actively attempt to know the profile of the customers, their demands and desires. Our client's perceptions are simply a reflection of the sum of their interactions with Alvaz, which is why we are dedicated to providing great experiences with our team.

All employees have clear and well-defined responsibilities in Alvaz workflow. As an add-on, we have a Customer Experience sector that personalizes the services and offers technical support to meet client's expectations as well as acting in eventual resolution of extra challenges. We built a simple and consistent Portal aligned with the premises of our Strategic Planning. Browsing the portal, clients have access to the result of the hired services in the formats they first validated in the pre-contractual discussions.
“The best advertising is done by satisfied customers”.